Notes from Toppers

Toppers’ Detailed Notes: Faraday’s Law of Induction and Mutual and Self-Inductance

1. Faraday’s Law of Induction

  • NCERT: Chapter 6 - “Magnetic Effects of Electric Current” (Class 12)

  • Basics of Electromagnetic Induction:

  • Induced emf arises due to a change in magnetic flux.

  • Right-hand rule determines the direction of induced emf.

  • Lenz’s Law:

  • Opposes the change in magnetic flux through the coil.

  • Induces an emf that creates a current to oppose the change.

  • Motional emf:

  • A conductor’s motion in a magnetic field generates emf.

  • Applications include generators and dynamos.

2. Mutual Inductance

  • NCERT: Chapter 7 - “Alternating Current” (Class 12)

  • Definition:

  • The phenomenon of emf induction in one coil due to a changing current in a nearby coil.

  • Calculation:

  • Formula for mutual inductance (M) between two coils: M = μ₀ * N₁ * N₂ * A * l / d where:

    • μ₀ = Permeability of free space (4π × 10⁻⁷ T·m/A)
    • N₁, N₂ = Number of turns in the respective coils
    • A = Cross-sectional area for both coils
    • l = Length of the coils
    • d = Distance between the coils
  • Applications:

  • Transformers, where mutual induction allows voltage transformation.

  • Coupled circuits that exhibit inductive coupling effects.

3. Self-Inductance

  • NCERT: Chapter 7 - “Alternating Current” (Class 12)

  • Definition:

  • The property of a coil to oppose changes in current flow due to its own magnetic field.

  • Calculation:

  • Self-inductance (L) of a solenoid: L = μ₀ * N² * A * l / d where:

    • μ₀ = Permeability of free space (4π × 10⁻⁷ T·m/A)
    • N = Number of turns in the coil
    • A = Cross-sectional area of the coil
    • l = Length of the coil
  • Applications:

  • Inductors control current flow, store energy, and exhibit inductive reactance in AC circuits.

4. Inductance and Inductors in Circuits

  • NCERT: Chapter 7 - “Alternating Current” (Class 12)

  • Behavior in DC and AC Circuits:

  • Inductors oppose rapid changes in DC current, causing growth or decay.

  • In AC circuits, inductors exhibit inductive reactance, affecting current and voltage.

  • Inductive Circuits:

  • Time constant (τ) determines the rate of current growth/decay in an inductive circuit: τ = L/R where:

    • L = Self-inductance
    • R = Resistance
  • Transient currents occur when circuits are switched on/off.

  • RL Circuits:

  • Analysis involves solving differential equations for current and voltage.

  • Energy considerations examine energy storage and dissipation.

5. Applications of Faraday’s Law and Inductance

  • NCERT: Chapter 7 - “Alternating Current” (Class 12)

  • Generators and Motors:

  • Generators use Faraday’s Law to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy.

  • Back emf in motors opposes the applied voltage and limits motor speed.

  • Transformers:

  • Faraday’s Law enables voltage transformation through mutual inductance.

  • Ideal transformers have turns ratios directly related to voltage ratios.

  • Inductors in Electronic Devices:

  • Inductors in filters smooth out voltage/current variations.

  • Inductors in oscillators generate AC signals and control circuit behavior.

6. Energy Considerations and Power Loss

  • NCERT: Chapter 7 - “Alternating Current” (Class 12)

  • Energy Stored in Magnetic Fields:

  • Magnetic field energy is stored in inductors: U = ½ LI² where:

    • L = Self-inductance
    • I = Current
  • Hysteresis and Eddy Currents:

  • Hysteresis causes energy loss in magnetic materials during magnetization/demagnetization.

  • Eddy currents are induced circular currents that create heat loss in inductors, transformers, etc.